
Broken Light Collective


Please welcome first-time contributor James, a long-term sufferer of mental illness from London who was recently diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. James believes in the power of talking and that it’s linked with bringing awareness and healing to the sufferer. He is open about his dealings with mental illness and tries to subtly carry this visual into his work. He is a creative person and dipped his toes into many facets including music, film and creative writing before settling into photography. James is a plumber by day who lives with his wife, daughter, cat & dog.

About this photo: “This image is from a recent photoshoot I did entitled ‘Disconnect’.
I wanted to bring to life how I feel every day; disconnected from humanity and at times afraid of people and wanting to be left alone. But also the intrigue and desire to be included in society, even though my…

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